
We go wherever God opens the door for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on the earth.

Evangelism is not temporary actions – it is our lifestyle.

We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Warsaw, during Spring-Autumn period we organize worship concerts at the Warsaw Old Town, we visit hospitals to pray for the sick, and go on missionary trips to other cities in Poland.

Our recent outreaches include:

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The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it  – evangelistic outreach on the streets of Warsaw on Halloween

When the whole world dresses up as figures of the culture of death, and darkness tries to push us from every side, we cannot stand indifferent. On the Halloween night we decided to go to the streets of Warsaw to preach Jesus Christ. People are hungry for truth, they seek, they have questions and doubts. We initiated many conversations, we prayed for young as well as for elderly people. We worshipped God in different places preaching the Gospel.

Passers-by stopped, and listened. The sounds of worship and the lyrics of the songs captivated them: “I don’t have to struggle, I found victory, and I won’t let go of what Jesus gave me. I am not alone, I walk with a great God. He is King of kings and Lord of lords…”

Freely you have received, freely give – a Christmas visit at a hospital

There is no greater joy than the one we have when we share the love of God with someone else, give them our time, attention, hold their hand, listen patiently, laugh together or furtively wipe a tear.

On a Friday at Christmastime, we visited one of the hospitals in Warsaw. We were equipped with smiles on our faces, we also brought some gifts, but above all, the Good News and God’s presence. And His presence performed miracles, touched hearts, removed fear, and filled the whole hospital ward with hope and sense of God’s love.

We gave presents to 21 patients. We prayed with them. We saw tears in their eyes. We saw the moving of the Holy Spirit on them. And they all opened their hearts, shared their dreams and desires with us, and the Holy Spirit ministered to them with the word of knowledge.

Mrs. Janeczka (the lady wearing glasses on the picture) was to be released on the next day, but God has His times and seasons, and she was waiting to have an encounter with Him in the hospital, and with childlike trust she submitted her life to the Lord Jesus.

Another elderly lady told us with emotion in her voice at the end of our visit: Thank you that you being such young people remembered about us old ones, and you came to see us.

Let us remember at all times, both in abundance and in lack, to be hands and feet of Jesus everywhere He sends us. Persistently and permanently. The harvest is ripe!

We extend our thanks and greetings to the extraordinary and warm-hearted ward maid, a true woman of faith.


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Evangelistic ministry leader:

Anna Brzezińska – leader and coordinator of evangelistic outreaches in the Church of Glory in Warsaw. By profession she is an editor and translator. She loves word – spoken, written, and above all, God’s Word. Her live motto is: Do not be afraid, only believe!