The new auditorium

 Contribute to good work!

Support financially the new auditorium of the Church of Glory

To accommodate the dynamic growth of our church, we are preparing a modern meeting place to serve people from all social and ethnic groups from the city, the nation and abroad. We have entered a new season of God's work, and the new auditorium we are already working on reflects this. 

We started by expanding and renovating the ground-floor lobby. We have designed a new auditorium on the ground floor and have begun first construction works. The auditorium will be equipped with a modern multimedia system and a high-quality sound system.

We also have ahead of us the renovation and modernization of the existing service room. This will double the number of people who can participate in our church's services, seminars and conferences.
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Partner in God's work

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians" 9:7

As it was in the days of Moses, David and Solomon, Ezra and Nehemiah, so today God is challenging His people to support financially the work of building a place where His glory can be manifested, do it out of a willing heart, full of gratitude and faith in His covenant. We encourage “everyone whose heart stirred him up” (Exodus 35:21) to become financially involved in the project to modernize and expand our headquarters.

The Apostle Paul calls the church in Philippi his partners in giving, while expecting a harvest that will be abundantly credited to their benefit (Philipians 4:15). We believe that God looks at financial partnerships in the same way. Become His partner in both: giving and receiving!

Donations should be paid to the dedicated account of the Church of Glory (the “New building” account): 
Bank PEKAO S.A., Account No: 28 1240 1024 1111 0010 0108 2404.
SWIFT code (for foreign transfers): PKOPPLPW

The donation collection lasts until the end of the year 2024.